Should you find yourself with serious debt problems the options can appear daunting as you try to find the best solution for your circumstances. In the most acute of financial positions this solution may be bankruptcy or sequestration as it is called in Scotland. This is the most severe of solutions and one that should not be entered into lightly as any assets you have accumulated over time may be sold and any monies accrued paid out to your creditors. Another solution may people opt for is a trust deed or protected trust deed. This solution is available to people living in Scotland. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland they have a different solution called an Individual Voluntary Arrangement scheme or IVA.
The principal of both schemes are the same, they are designed to give people who, for a variety of different reasons the opportunity to regain control of their finances and after a period of time approximately (3 years in a protected trust deed and 5 years in an IVA) put the financial trouble behind them.
As a trust deed is a legally binding agreement between you and your creditors you must seek appropriate advice from a qualified debt advisor who will discuss the pros and cons in relation to the solution. Should this option be best for you and should you wish to proceed you would be appointed an insolvency practitioner . The role of the (IP) is to manager your case in order for you to enter the trust deed and thereafter through the duration of your protected trust deed.
It is the responsibility of the IP to complete an income and expenditure with you. Having done this the IP will identify how much you can reasonably afford to contribute towards your debts whilst ensuring you have sufficient left to lead a basic life for the duration of the solution.
The IP will then create a report and arrange a meeting with your creditors in order to seek their approval to the proposal. Assuming your creditors agree to the terms of the arrangement them after a period of approximately 5 weeks your trust deed takes the status of “protected”.
Once your trust deed has been protected your creditors are bound by the terms of the trust deed, this means they can no longer contact you directly either by harassing phone calls or by letters. Equally you are bound by the terms of the agreement meaning you must make a monthly payment to your IP, they will then distribute money to your creditors on your behalf.
After you have ended the solution any outstanding money due to your creditors is written of and you are free to rebuild your credit rating however you should note that your credit file will reflect you entered a trust deed for a further 3 years before it is removed.
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